The Jumping Saddle

Buying A Jumping Saddle

When buying a saddle for close contact, dressage and jumping it is important that the saddle fit the horse precisely and be made out of materials that are appropriate to the use and long lasting. Since saddles are such a high end item in the equestrian world, you will want to be sure the one you purchase is a good one.

Comfort, for both you and the horse, is an important consideration. A saddle that is ill fitting to the horse has the potential to harm or injure the horse, and the materials will not last as long as a saddle that fits well. The tree of the saddle is the measured part that should fit your horse well. Just as an ill fitting garment will cause a person discomfort, a saddle that is too loose or too small will be distracting and possibly dangerous to a horse.

The saddle needs to fit the rider as well, with an appropriate sized seat and stirrups that position the knee in the proper place.

Materials Used

Saddles used to be made almost exclusively out of wood, metal, and leather, but many manufacturers are using polyurethane or fiberglass instead due to the light weight and tensile strength of the materials.

Polyurethane is a long lasting and durable material, while fiberglass is often used in less durable saddles.

No matter if you go with the traditional wood and metal style saddle or one made of more modern materials, a cheap saddle made of poor quality materials is no bargain. The quality of the leather, the steel used in the tree and gullet plate, and all the other materials should be assessed as well as the finished product.

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